Opals may be my absolute favorite stone. There are boulder opals, and mexican fire opals...just to name a few of the available plethora of fire and beauty.
Opals had been considered good luck stones for centuries, until Sir Walter Scott's novel “Anne of Geierstein” started a superstition. The novel's heroine buys a cursed opal which she wears in her hair - and later, she dies. And the legand of the unlucky Opal was born.
But there is NO WAY in my humble opinion that Opals are bad luck!
But there is NO WAY in my humble opinion that Opals are bad luck!
Early races credited Opals with magical qualities and traditionally, the Opal was said to aid its wearer in seeing limitless possibilities. The stone was believed to clarify by amplifying feelings, buried emotions and desires.
The Romans had been wearing Opals for centuries, considering them a symbol of hope and purity. They were often carried as a good luck charm or talisman because they were believed to instill the gift of prophecies, warn of poison, bring good fortune, and protect against disease.
Early Greeks believed Opals embodied the powers of foresight and prophecy.

A Chinese belief is that the wearer must be pure of heart in order to receive an Opal as a gift; Asians also view Opals as symbols of hope and loyalty.
Specifically, boulder Opals were formed millions of years ago and are found only in Australia - in veins and patches surrounded by brown ironstone boulders. Boulder Opals are said to aid you in visualizing your inner beauty. They are most helpful when an emotional lift concerning your own self image is needed - because Boulder Opals help you to understand yourself more clearly.
The Romans had been wearing Opals for centuries, considering them a symbol of hope and purity. They were often carried as a good luck charm or talisman because they were believed to instill the gift of prophecies, warn of poison, bring good fortune, and protect against disease.
Early Greeks believed Opals embodied the powers of foresight and prophecy.

A Chinese belief is that the wearer must be pure of heart in order to receive an Opal as a gift; Asians also view Opals as symbols of hope and loyalty.
Specifically, boulder Opals were formed millions of years ago and are found only in Australia - in veins and patches surrounded by brown ironstone boulders. Boulder Opals are said to aid you in visualizing your inner beauty. They are most helpful when an emotional lift concerning your own self image is needed - because Boulder Opals help you to understand yourself more clearly.
If you seek to have balance in your life for your emotions and your mental state this is a wonderful gem to have with you. It helps you to calm your inner soul, brighten and clear your personal aura and stimulate the healing process.
During meditations they have been know to help one recall past lives. Boulder Opals are also sometimes used to access one's personal spiritual and animal guides.
Fire Opals are thought to be very magical because of the distinct patterns of color which seem to move while viewing. The color play includes: green, blue, yellow, red, and purple.
The energy of the fire Opal allows us to look deeply within to understand ourselves in a better way. A great choice if you are looking for your purpose in life. Some find the fire Opal to be energizing, giving strength and endurance in stressful times. Other people like to meditate with the fire Opal, as it is very easy to get into this meditative state by simply gazing at the incredible colors of this Opal.
Those who fancy Opal gemstones tend to be born in March and October, as Opal is the mystical birthstone for those born in either month. Opal lore is that this gemstone will bring out your inner beauty so others can realize your faithfulness, and your natural energy for life.

However you go about it, make sure you find a good Opal dealer. A dealer you can trust and who you connect to. Opals are energy stones. As such you will want to make sure the ones in your possession begin their life in your jewelry with good energy - as they will carry the energy into your finished piece.
Also, make sure you NEVER put Opals in jewelry cleaner. You will ruin them. If you need to, wash them in warm water, rubbing them with your fingers.
Enjoy making your Opal jewelry! And remember, if you give someone an Opal, you're giving them an incredible gift...you're giving them a piece of your soul!